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HG01- super bleaching chemicals calcium deposits, mold stains on glass

HG01- super bleaching chemicals calcium deposits, mold stains on glass


Uses / Application:
Chemical descaling HG01- Calcium On Glasses Specialist detergent:

Uh mold, scum rainbow, deposits of calcium, hard water spots and stubborn stains on the surface: Auto Glass mirrors, glass showers, glass shower enclosures, glass railings, glass buildings, bathtubs, sinks bridges, sink ...

Usage HG01- Chemical descaling Calcium On Glasses

Step 1: Clean the surface to be bleached wet water.

Step 2: Infiltration HG01- Chemical descaling Calcium On Glasses on sponge, wool or chemical into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the surface. Then use a sponge mop to the surface are approximately 10-30 seconds is already clean.

Step 3: Rinse with water, check if the ball is not a bleach clean again.

Note: Wear rubber gloves, used carefully, away from the reach of children.

super detergent chemicals

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